Autohotkey es una de esas herramientas que no puede faltar en ningún ordenador. Permite hacer macros utilizar hotkeys y programar comandos usando el ratón y pulsaciones de teclas. Junto a Texter y PowerMenu son las 3 herramientas que siempre deben estar en cualquier Windows.
A continuación os dejo mi script de Autohotkey. Lo que hace cada combinación o script viene comentado antes o después del mismo, así que no necesitaréis mucha más aclaración.
XButton1 & XButton2::WinMaximize, A ; Maximize active window by Win+UpArrow.#Up::WinRestore, A ; Restore active window by Win+DownArrow.#Down::WinRestore, A ; Restore active window by Win+DownArrow.#Left::WinMinimize, A ; Minimize active window by Win+LeftArrow.; ^ctrl; !alt; # windows;~LButton & WheelUp::Send {Volume_Up 5}~LButton & WheelDown::Send {Volume_Down 5}~RButton & WheelUp::IfWinNotExist ahk_class Winamp v1.xreturn; Otherwise, the above has set the «last found» window for use below.ControlSend, ahk_parent, zreturn~RButton & WheelDown::IfWinNotExist ahk_class Winamp v1.xreturn; Otherwise, the above has set the «last found» window for use below.ControlSend, ahk_parent, breturn^!t:: Run C:\Program Files (x86)\TTCalc\ttcalc.exe^!w:: Run C:\Program Files (x86)\Winamp\winamp.exe^!c:: Run cmd.exe^!s:: Run C:\Users\usuario\AppData\Roaming\Spotify\spotify.exe ^#!w:: Run C:\Users\usuario\Desktop\winscp ^#!s:: Run «C:\Users\usuario\AppData\Local\VanDyke Software\SecureCRT\SecureCRT. exe» ^#!t:: Run mstsc^#!p:: Run c:\programs\TeclaPrintScreen.exe !c::send {AppsKey}ncç:: ;Ç:: ;; SILENCIARbreak::Send {Volume_Mute}return; CAPTURAR EL RGB del color^+c::MouseGetPos,x,yPixelGetColor,rgb,x,y,RGBStringTrimLeft,rgb,rgb,2Clipboard=%rgb%Return;; Win+NumpadSub decrease sound volume, Win+NumpadAd increase sound volume$#NumpadAdd::Send {Volume_Up 5} ; increase volume$#NumpadSub::Send {Volume_Down 5} ; decrease sound level; OCULTAR FICHEROS PROTEGIDOSshowHidden=0#H::WinGetActiveTitle, WinTitleWinGetClass, WinClass, %WinTitle%If WinClass <> CabinetWClassIf WinClass <> ExploreWClassReturnSend, !TSleep, 100Send, oWinWaitActive, Folder Options,,5if ErrorLevel = 1ReturnSend, ^{Tab}Sleep, 50Send, {Tab}{Tab}Sleep, 50If showHidden = 0{showHidden = 1Send, {Down}{Down}{Down}{Down}{Down}{Down}{Down}{Down}{Down}{Down} }Else{showHidden = 0Send, {Down}{Down}{Down}{Down}{Down}{Down}{Down}{Down}{Down} }sleep, 50Send, {Space}Send, {Tab}{Tab}{Enter}Return;SPOTIFYSetTitleMatchMode 2; «CTRL + LEFT» for previous^Left::DetectHiddenWindows, OnControlSend, ahk_parent, ^{Left}, ahk_class SpotifyMainWindowDetectHiddenWindows, Offreturn; «CTRL + RIGHT» for next^Right::{DetectHiddenWindows, OnControlSend, ahk_parent, ^{Right}, ahk_class SpotifyMainWindowDetectHiddenWindows, Offreturn}; «CTRL + UP» for pause^UP::{DetectHiddenWindows, OnControlSend, ahk_parent, {space}, ahk_class SpotifyMainWindowDetectHiddenWindows, Offreturn}; «CTRL + DOWN» for info^Down::{DetectHiddenWindows, OnSetTitleMatchMode 2WinGetTitle, now_playing, ahk_class SpotifyMainWindowStringTrimLeft, playing, now_playing, 10DetectHiddenWindows, Offclipboard = %playing%`r`nreturn}; «CTRL + PAGE UP» for volume up^PgUP::{DetectHiddenWindows, OnControlSend, ahk_parent, ^{Up}, ahk_class SpotifyMainWindowDetectHiddenWindows, Offreturn}; «CTRL + PAGE DOWN» for volume down^PgDn::{DetectHiddenWindows, OnControlSend, ahk_parent, ^{Down}, ahk_class SpotifyMainWindowDetectHiddenWindows, Offreturn}; «CTRL + END» for mute;^End::;{;DetectHiddenWindows, On;ControlSend, ahk_parent, ^+{Down}, ahk_class SpotifyMainWindow;DetectHiddenWindows, Off;return;}; CARPETA NUEVA#n::Send, {AppsKey}NCReturn#u:: ;; delete this to make this script run once and stop (for keyboard launchers)IfWinExist, ahk_class MozillaUIWindowClass ;; modify ahk_class for use with other browsersWinActivateSend ^lSend ^c ;; put URL in clipboardSend ^tSend ^vSend {Enter}Sleep 1500Send ^aSleep 100send ^cSleep 100 ;; change this for your pc;send ^wmsgbox %clipboard%`n`nShortened URL Copied to clipboardreturn;; ALEX para pasar pagina mientras estamos metiendo revistas en Amsgle#c::IfWinExist, ahk_class MozillaUIWindowClassSend !{Tab}Sleep 500Send {PgDn}Sleep 300Send !{Tab}Send +{Tab 3}Send {Enter}Send {Tab 3};ALEX PARA BAJAR EL VOLUMEN DE WINAMP PULSANDO EL BOTON CENTRAL;;#NoEnv;#Persistent;SendMode Input;MButton::; SendMessage, 0x400, Mod(27, 256), 122, ,ahk_class Winamp v1.x;; Send, {MButton down};; Loop; {; Sleep, 10; GetKeyState, keyState, MButton, P;; if keyState = U; break; }; Send, {MButton up}; SendMessage, 0x400, Mod(128, 256), 122, ,ahk_class Winamp v1.x; return;^!n::;IfWinExist Untitled – Notepad; WinActivate;else; Run Notepad;return; This next example asks Winamp which track number is currently active:; #w::; if ErrorLevel <> FAIL; {; SendMessage, 1024, 0, 120, ahk_class Winamp v1.x; ErrorLevel += 1 ; Winamp’s count starts at 0, so adjust by 1.; MsgBox, Track #%ErrorLevel% is active or playing.; }; ALEX BAJAR SONIDO WINAMP CON ^m ( ) <^>!m::DetectHiddenWindows, On ; Tells AHK to search for windows that are minimized/hiddenTarget := «ahk_class Winamp v1.x»IfWinNotExist %Target%{ ; Try to open Winamp if it’s not openRun «%ProgramFiles%\Winamp\Winamp.exe» ; WinWait ahk_parent ; This caused problems??;ReturnWinWait, %Target%}IfWinNotExist %Target%{ ; Check to make sure we were able to open WinampMsgBox Unable to open WinampReturn}; Winamp is now the last found window – funtions can now implicitly refer to it; Gets current play status (0=Stopped, 1=Playing, 3=Paused)SendMessage, 1024, 0, 104 ; IsWinampPlaying?WinampPlayStatus := ErrorLevelIf( WinampPlayStatus == 0 ){ ; Winamp playback in in a ‘Stopped’ stateControlSend, ahk_parent, x ; Play}else{ControlSend, ahk_parent, c ; Pause/Unpause}return; —- —-